Support Healthcare Staff Fund (COVID-19)

Hi everyone! Thank you for taking an interest in my page! In light of what is occuring in the world, I realized that I cannot simply continue to watch the news and follow clinical personnel express the challenges they face during this time without feeling compelled to do something about it. Healthcare workers are at the frontline during this whole COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Members involved include: physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, administrative staff, and allied-health professionals. They serve their patients willingly and ask for nothing in return while putting themselves, and in many cases their families and loved ones, at risk. Many hospital healthcare professionals have expressed their concerns to their hospital administrators regarding insufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which is essential in a hospital setting. Hospital administrators are not to blame. There is really only so much they can do since they must be overwhelmed with a variety of issues that require equal attention and financial expenditures. Consequently, healthcare workers are expected to re-use PPE which is not only unsanitary but potentially hazardous. Many workers are losing their lives to this viral infection and it is about time we took a stand for them. Our healthcare soldiers (heroes) need as much help as possible and we can provide the solution. Furthermore, I established the fundraiser to give back to the same people who were once there for us during our time of need. Please help me by making a small donation, and/or spreading the word, towards this cause in order to raise money to help healthcare workers during this tough time. Stay safe everyone! #SocialDistancing #WashHandsFor20SecondOrMore #ItSavesLives